
Wednesday, September 15, 2010


Two things about Marks second video strikes me... Code-Literacy and Remix-Literacy.

Being in education and living overseas for some time, I feel that I have been thrown into Code-Literacy. I've never really had the intention of learning HTML or really getting into making wikis and blogs. I don't really think of myself as a techie, but it seems every job I have had in the last few years, people come to me for computer help. I guess computers make sense to me. I think it also helps that my husband is a techie... some of it must come to me by simply talking with him and showing interest in what he does, be it making a website, a 3D cartoon, a audio drama or whatever. In returning to the States, I feel I'm a little behind, but not so much. These PP classes are really helping me fine tune what I already had and adding a bit here and there to my repertoire.

Remix-Literacy... is this really important or does Mark just like to do it? What I find interesting about this is the conversation about copyright that has to follow this literacy. Again, living overseas things are different. Returning to the States has given me a bit of an awakening.


  1. Hi Sarah,

    The issue of copyright is an important one. "Overseas" one can get away with a lot more, but the laws and ethical concerns are actually the same. Where I work we are trying to be more scrupulous about the materials which faculty produce (which often involve some re-mix) and this is necessary to start setting higher standards for student work. I just found the search feature at "Creative Commons" http://search.creativecommons.org/ which I hope will be helpful.

    Regarding code literacy, do you understand html code? Specifically how to edit the html template for blogspot? Delicious has a tool that we can put on out blogs, but it preseumes you know where to paste the html code they create for your delicious account.


  2. Great Point! I hadn't thought of using CC's search feature. So easy.

    As for HTML, just the basic stuff. My resume I linked to above, I made in Dreamweaver with a lot of guidance from my husband. I can move things around... but truly, I just do a lot of cut and paste. I've never had a need to dive into HTML on blogspot or delicious. I could look into it though... see what I can find out.

  3. Hi Sarah,
    Thanks. If you figure anything out on blogspot let me know. Maybe I can ask around at school. A screencast might be a good way to share information on this.

  4. Wow, another great post which I've just now discovered. Code literacy, one thing I've noticed in your comments to one another is that your hyperlinks are never active. The trick there is to build the a href= etc around the URL you want to embed in your comment. Here's my explanation: http://prosites-vstevens.homestead.com/files/pi/very_basics/example07.htm. Where there it says Start Here, put the URL you want to link to. And between the > and where you end the < /a tag, repaste the URL to make it a hyperlink, as in the example here.

  5. I decided to split my comments here into 3 posts. This is the second one, on code literacy.

    I used to teach my students how to make changes to their sidebar html (back in 2004). Here's what I used to teach them http://prosites-vstevens.homestead.com/files/pi/computing2/blogwork/blog_template.htm

    I checked my own blog and found under Design / Edit HTML that you can still get at the code in your template: http://screencast.com/t/YmJhMGYxY

    Now before making changes here, be sure and back up by selecting all and copying and pasting to a notepad somewhere in case you need to revert. Also, not all templates are equally straightforward to change. I've found in practice that I don't understand them all.

    This is as far as I got with this. If you can get further, with a screencast perhaps, please guide the rest of us along.

  6. And the last one, about remix literacy. That is a very intriguing one. There are cult characters who remix songs so that they are blends of commercial hits and put these online, and the record companies don't object. Also, YouTube will pull videos with soundtracks it thinks are pirated, but will allow you to challenge that under fair use, and restore your video if the copyright holder does not object to your challenge.

    According to wikipedia, "Fair use is a doctrine in United States copyright law that allows limited use of copyrighted material without requiring permission from the rights holders,
    such as for commentary, criticism, news reporting, research, teaching or scholarship. It provides for the legal, non-licensed citation or incorporation of copyrighted material in another author's work under a four-factor balancing test."

    The 4 factors are:

    1. the purpose and character of the use, including whether such use is of
    a commercial nature or is for nonprofit educational purposes;
    2. the nature of the copyrighted work;
    3. the amount and substantiality of the portion used in relation to the
    copyrighted work as a whole; and
    4. the effect of the use upon the potential market for or value of the
    copyrighted work.

    Teachers seem to be taking advantage of this in certain cases, in reproducing materials for their classes, and this test is often applied to mashups in general on the Internet.

  7. thanks for the code... that will help.
