
Wednesday, September 15, 2010


I've started thinking about what my ePortfolio might be... to the right, I have put a link to my online Resume. Is this a good place to start for an ePortfolio?


  1. the summary presented by Graham Attwell is really brilliant: http://blip.tv/file/300988 Thank you Vance for showing us this clip and thank you Maria Laura for reminding me of it in your blog!

  2. My personal impression (which I admit could be all wet) is that you can start your PLN /ePortfolio anyplace you want ~ unless, of course, professional or institutional requirements demand that you follow specific requirements. If not, then feel free to experiment.

  3. thanks Vanessa. And thank you for visiting my blog. I'm a beginner at all this; doing it mostly for my classes. But I think I might stick with it once my classes finish. peace-

  4. Hi Sarah,

    Thanks for testing the concept :-) Your question is "Is this a good place to start for an ePortfolio" What do you mean by "this"? If by this you mean your Resume, I would say that this is one link in your online portfolio ... as it stands; on the other hand you could develop it as the portal for your OLP, with links branching from that. This would be for a lifelong OLP, not one for this class.

    The class OLP is where you state your objectives for this course (because this course doesn't state them for you). You then show in your portfolio evidence that you have accomplished or made progress on these objectives.

    Of what you've shown us so far, I would think that this blog comes closest to that. Good job so far!

  5. I like the idea of this blog being my e-portfolio. It's kind of informal, like me. I'll be getting my objectives up today. I like that I have had 3 weeks to think about what I can get out of this course. To be honest, I didn't know 3 weeks ago. I think I do now.
