
Thursday, July 29, 2010

First Assignment

So, lets get started... I'm really excited about the amount of stuff I leaned in this class. So much so, that I have decided to post everything I have done in the PP105. And some extra things about me (look right and up). Starting with the first assignment we had to place in the drop box. Enjoy

A description of what I hope to accomplish in this class…

I hope to accomplish many things here at Creating/Using Multimedia for Online Instruction. Mostly, I’d like to get familiar with Wikis, podcasts and blogs. Reason being I think several NNESTs are looking for on line support and training. The above mentioned applications can help reach this group of wonderful teachers. (I’d also like to learn a bit about Moodles, but I think Principles and Practices has a whole course on that…)

I think because I was away from the US for so long, I am missing some key technology points in my education grab-bag. So, I hope to get a firm understanding of how to produce a user-friendly blog that uses Wikis, podcasts, video, and the like.

Huh... looking back, I notice that I wanted to learn how to use Wikis in this class. And yet, when faced with the opportunity to use on, I went with Blogs. Funny.

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